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Syllabus Button

Course syllabus which includes an outline of the course, objectives and guidelines.

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Course materials, discussion assignments and other deliverables.

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Resources to help you plan your AI Literacy lessons and discussions.

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Video & Discussion

Video.svg  Watch this video from Google about AI in everyday life.


Taking Notes.svg Take a moment to list some AI technologies you or your students use in everyday life.

Be sure to post your responses by replying to the discussion post "Discussion 1.2: AI in Everyday Life"

Video & Discussion B


Watch this video from Google about their multimodal AI technology Gemini. 

After watching the video, answer the following question:

Taking Notes.svg

What are some pros and cons for using AI tools for teaching and learning?

Be sure to post your responses by replying to the discussion post "Discussion 1.2: AI in Everyday Life"

Vocabulary Spotlight

Multimodal AI: Machine learning models that are capable of processing various types of  information, including images, videos, text and spoken language.

Adaptive Learning

Place text here

Adaptive Learning

Place text here

Adaptive Learning

Place text here

Adaptive Learning

Place text here

AI Personal Assistants

Examples: Siri & Alexa

Everyday Use

You can ask AI Personal assistants to access productivity apps to schedule.a calendar event, send an email, brows the internet, turn your light on or off, etc.


Ride Share Apps

Examples: Uber & Lyft 

Everyday Use

When requesting a ride, the app uses AI to estimate arrival and departure times, and rise fares.


Email Filtering

Examples: Gmail, Apple Mail, Yahoo, & Outlook

Everyday Use

Filtering spam and other unwanted emails from.a users inbox, and making recommendations for email grouping.


Autonomous Vehicles

Examples: Tesla, Waymo, & Cruze

Everyday Use

Cars that use AI technology to steer, navigate, stop, go and accelerate without intervention from riders.


Search Engines

Examples: Chrome & Bing

Everyday Use

Search engines can use AI to interpret keywords and rank webpages, videos, and other content you see in search results.


Fraud detection

Examples: Credit card companies, Banks & Banking Apps

Everyday Use

Credit card companies are learning your spending habits and alert you when it detects suspicious behavior.


Content Recommendation

Examples: Netflix, Amazon, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok

Everyday Use

Many apps provide personalized recommendations based on viewer's past behavior, preferences and other data.


Personalized Advertising

Examples: Most websites & companies

Everyday Use

The ads that you see while surfing the web, listening to music or watching a movie are specific to your behaviors and other data points. 
